Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread from a Starter

My experimentation with using a starter continued with just a simple loaf of 100% whole-wheat sandwich bread (and yes, I made this quite a while ago, so it will be a short blog). Once again, everything worked just as expected and no new revelations came. I did begin to become a little suspicious of my soaker though – after all I haven’t been using weight to measure quantities and the density of flour changes with the size of the grain (i.e. the coarse the grind, the more volume per once that is needed). So with my next bread, I plan to measure all my flour by weight instead of volume (after checking that the volume of water matched the appropriate weight… so that I could calibrate appropriately if it did not).

I will mention that, once again, I prefer this to the whole wheat breads I have made using a biga.

from: Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor.